Maurice "Jack" & Maxine Zollman


The Zollman Family Fund is dedicated to helping abused and neglected children, a cause close to Maxine Zollman's heart. As a trained volunteer with the Guardian Ad Litem program, which provides court appointed special advocates for children in the courtroom, Maxine has seen 'so many children in need." Maxine explains that the children need support and affection as well as the material basics that we often take for granted.

The first grant was made from the fund in November 2001. It supported a project by Domestic Violence Intervention Network for teens of DVIN clients. To ensure that these vulnerable teens were not overlooked during the season of giving, DVIN provided holiday gift baskets for the youth. In addition to the grant from the Zollman Family Fund for Abused and Neglected Children, local businesses provided in-kind donations to help fill up the baskets.

Maxine Zollman learned about the Community Foundation's mission and the lasting power of endowment funds in part through a neighbor, Maribelle Dyer, a previous executive director of the Foundation. The Zollman family started their endowment fund in 1996. Julia Zollman Wickes and her husband, Jack, made the founding gift to the fund. The Wickes have helped build the fund over time, as have Maxine and Maurice "Jack" Zollman.

Since Jack's death in May 2001, many gifts have also been made to the fund in his honor by friends and family. Jack and his father, Maurice J. Zollman Sr., owned the Cadillac-Oldsmobile dealership Bedford Auto Co. for more than 50 years. Jack ran the business after his father’s death in 1973 until it was sold in 1988.

Individuals interested in contributing to the fund for abused and neglected children can make checks payable to the Lawrence County Community Foundation and designate it to the Zollman family fund.